About Enjoyable

About Enjoyable

Designed with your needs in mind.

Enjoyable has been handcrafting cannabinoid-infused edibles out of Los Angeles, CA for over 10 years with a simple goal in mind; To provide potent and consistent cannabinoid products for your physical, mental, and spiritual needs.

Engineered by hand with passion.

We’ve been creating cannabinoid ingestibles from scratch since 2010. Our products are handmade with all natural ingredients and infused only with top-quality cannabis or hemp cannabinoid extracts. We produce in small batches to guarantee freshness.

Formatted for Purpose.

We are:

Enjoyable is not afraid of taking risks, or making daring moves to achieve its goal.

Enjoyable is never put in a box, constrained, or restricted. Enjoyable believes in expressive freedom.

Enjoyable is imaginative, innovative, experimental, and original.

Enjoyable is excited, dedicated, and committed about its products, employees, and brand.

We want to remind you to Keep Enjoying Yourself.